Navalok Academy of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the #1 Logistics Institute in Kerala, is the perfect place to get into Logistics and Supply Chain Industry. With our faculty’s decades of excellence in logistics, supply chain, education, training and placement industry, you can acquire diverse competencies and find authentic confidence to pursue your dreams.

A Decade of Excellence in Training

The faculty at Navalok Academy of Logistics and Supply Chain Management possess extensive knowledge in the logistics industry, having spent decades working and teaching with a hands-on approach to mentor students with the practical skills needed to excel in the field.

Diverse Competencies & Authentic Confidence

Our panel of professionals is committed to helping you acquire diverse competencies so that you can confidently pursue your dreams. We will also provide guidance on how you can find authentic confidence so that you can make informed decisions and succeed in your career.

Nurturing a True Sense of Community

At Navalok Academy, we nurture a true sense of community where each candidate can find support and encouragement from their peers while they strive towards their goals. Our team will also be available to offer advice and assistance whenever needed, ensuring that everyone succeeds together.